Thinking Multi-cam?

Think Smart...


Why It’s Relevant

To remain competitive—and never miss that key shot—you need to produce the best work in the shortest amount of time. To maintain profitability—and accommodate more projects—you need to get the best workflow efficiency with the least stress.

If you’re contemplating multi-camera production—or doing it without a multi-channel production DVR—V-Station HD will matter to you!

V-Station HD Pro4 Plus

V-Station HD systems enable you to shoot with up to 4 cameras—all fully synchronized. But, that’s just the beginning. Project management, live switching and streaming,* seamless NLE transfer, and delivery are a snap with V-Station HD.

With V-Station HD, you’ll be able to complete multi-cam video projects more efficiently and with less crew and staff than you could have imagined.

*Streaming feature includes built-in uploader to YouTube or FTP site and optional connection to a 3rd party streaming device.

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  • "Multi-channel Video Recording for Multi-Camera Event Videography"
  • "Pre-Produce or Post-Produce–Which Approach for Multi-Cam Events?"