The new V-Station HD Studio4 was designed to be the most flexible, powerful, and reliable rack-mount multi-channel HD video recording system yet. Available with either HDMI or 3G/HD/SD-SDI compatible inputs, it's ideal for video projects of all types of applications: Event videography, observation and training for corporate or healthcare or clinical use. Use it for synchronized recording with live-switching and live multi-streaming (up to 5 streams).

Records 5 full HD video tracks

With 5 full video track recording, it will create the live mix track and still have the 4 channels of the original recordings to re-edit later with your NLE. It has all the capabilities to simultaneously record 4 HD SDI cameras in full HD 1080p60 resolution (at up to 30Mbs per channel) with an incredible total of 320 hours of recording time.
Built-in B-roll media player

It has its own B-Roll media player for playing back graphics or videos you can record on the DVR in a live shoot or use for presentation or cue card to a studio monitor.
Log events as they happen or afterwards

Enter markers and notes for each angle as an event occurs and find the exact frame upon playback with the built-in Media player.
Multi-Stream or send mix to YouTube or FTP

Send multiple streams for each channel to private sites or stream program to YouTube, Facbook, or CDN. Upload your program immediately after the shoot with its built in FTP uploader or send to YouTube.
Flexible User Interface

Use either a 10" Touch screens (optional) and/or standard PC monitor. Use one, two or even 3 monitors to easily see all your control and video
Redundant recording

With a dual set of 1 TB HDDs for redundant recording, safely ensures there is a backup of your sessions in case one drive should fail.
Multi-View Player/Rough-Cut Editor

With the optional V-Station HD Studio Companion software (additional purchase), play back all videos in synchronized mode without re-encoding or transferring to an NLE system. Re-create the shoot, and cut as you play, creating as may different rough-cuts.. all in minutes.