Today, podcasting is an effective way to share your ideas, promote your brand, and build an organic following. Fortunately, you don’t need a huge budget or a large crew to start podcasting. FutureVideo meets your podcasting needs with our innovative V-Station HD Multi-Channel Recording/Streaming Systems.

V-Station®HD Solutions for Video Podcasting

V-Station HD Multi-Channel Video Recording/Streaming Systems are cutting edge and user-friendly without over-burdening the budget. As a content producer or disseminator, you can use V-Station HD to create your content from performances, interviews, and live events. V-Station HD integrates the various capabilities to podcast in an affordable package. The means to record, switch, live stream, edit, and distribute content is all part of V-Station HD’s intuitive project-based workflow design. As V-Station HD models range in cost from $2,000 to $8,000 and the number of cameras supported vary from 4 to 8, more of your budget can be allocated to cameras, camera support, lighting, and set design.

Learn more about Podcasting with V-Station HD Systems

FutureVideo’s Tech Brief, “From Shoot To Podcast,” provides a more detailed understanding of how producers can implement this solution. Feel free to review it and the other website information and contact us about your podcasting needs. If you’re ready for an online immersion session, book yours here.